Getting there

Ermita Nueva is 10km to the south of Alcala la Real on the N432. Following this road 45km further south leads to the city of Granada. At Granada it is possible to connect with the A92 motorway. From Granada this leads to Malaga and Seville travelling westwards and, to Murcia and Valencia towards the east.

Malaga is the nearest airport offering direct flights to many cities in Europe. Directions and a map for travel by car from Malaga airport to La Atalaya can be downloaded - directions

Granada has a small airport with mainly domestic flights but it is possible to fly onto other destinations in Europe and elsewhere via Madrid. From the UK easyJet offers direct flights to Granada from London Gatwick and Manchester.. Directions and map for travel by car from Granada airport to La Atalaya can be downloaded - directions.

The most convenient means of transport in Andalucia is by car. Many international and national car hire companies are represented at the Malaga and Granada airports.

Buses are available but services are often limited and travel can be slow where changes are required. Travel by train is extremely restricted due to the topography of Andalucia.