Walking in Andalucia

Andalucia offers the serious hiker and the occasional rambler alike numerous opportunities to savour on foot the diverse landscape and stunning panoramic scenery of the region. There are many protected natural environments to explore and the location of La Atalaya provides convenient access to those in the provinces of Jaen, Granada and Cordoba. These contain dramatic limestone terrain with magnificent outcrops and peaks, olive groves that disappear into the far distance and forests abundant in birdlife. All of these can be found together in the Cazorla Natural Park which is Spain’s largest protected area.

Andalucia is dotted with settlements originating from the Moorish period with their fortresses, keeps and medieval street patterns. These are excellent for more gentle walks to be concluded in a friendly bar with cool drinks and tapas. Many paths are not well marked making it sometimes difficult to navigate a route. Excellent guides are available and are essential for those seeking to access more remote countryside. The network of Vias Verdes (green ways) has been formed along the routes of disused railway lines. There are four of these in Andalucia which are perfect for strolling and enjoying the Andalucian countryside. These vary in length but the walker is free to choose their entry and exit points.

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